Dr. Bernard Golse
Bernard Golse is a Medical Doctor, Child Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst. Member of the Association Psychanalytique de France (APF). Former Head of the Department of Child Psychiatry at the Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris).
Emeritus Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Université Pa-ris Cité. Founder of the Institut Contemporain de l´Enfance. President of the As-sociation Pikler Lóczy- France (APLF).
President of the Association pour la Formation à la Psychothérapie Psychanalytique de l´Enfant et de l´Adolescent (AFPPEA).
President of the Association Européenne de Psychopathologie de l´Enfant et de l´Adolescent (AEPEA). President of the CIPPA (Coordination Internationale entre Psychothérapeutes Psychanalystes s´occuper de personnes autistes et membres associés).