Leticia Glocer Fiorini
Leticia Glocer Fiorini, is a Physician. Psychoanalyst. Master in Psychoanalysis. Director of the "Committee of Studies on Sexual and Gender Diversity" of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA).
Professor of the Master "Interdisciplinary Studies of Subjectivity" (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UBA).
Former President of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association (APA) and Former Director of Publications of the IPA and the APA. Author of the books, translated into English: La Diferencia Sexual en Debate and Lo Femenino y el Pensamiento Complejo, among many other publications on femininity, sexual and gender diversity and unconventional parentalities.
She received the Cárcamo Award (APA) for her work "The feminine position: a heterogeneous construction".
She was invited to present one of the keynote lectures at the IPA International Congress "The Feminine" in London, July 2019.