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Marie Christine Laznik

Marie Christine Laznik

Marie Christine Laznik

Marie Christine Laznik is a Psychoanalyst.

Member of the Association La-canienne Internationale (ALI). Doctor in Psychology, Member of CIPPA (Coordination Internatio-nale entre Psychotherapeutes Psychanalystes s´occupant de personnes avec Autism - International Coordination of Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists dealing with Autism).

Founder of RIEPPI (Réseau international d´études sur la psychopathologie et la psychanalyse de l´Infans - International Network of Studies on Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology of Children). Founded PREAUT (Programme Recherche Evaluation Autism - Autism Research and Evaluation Program).

Author of several books and numerous articles in French and international journals. In Spanish: â€Hacia el habla. Tres niños autistas en psicoanálisis†y “La menopausia. El deseo inconcebibleâ€.


Violence: its impact on early psychic structuring
Presenta/n: Marie Christine Laznik (ALI-France), Miri Keren (BIAUniv-Israel), Daniel Camparo Avila (Udelar-Uruguay).Conducción: Nora Woscoboinik / Coordinación: Paula Ceruti & Ana Iriart
Día: 2022-10-22 - Hora: 11:15:00
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