Sensory and implicit memory pathologies in ADHD syndromes
Nowadays, analytic training has to comprise baby, child and adolescent analysis, with its inestimable discoveries. My topic will examine the latest data about sensoriality and implicit fetal memory, that are ready to function at birth and play an important role in the development of attention. However, they may be damaged by the way the child is managed by its environment. Passive splitting and denial may prevent the transformation of perception into apperception, and thus, disturb the installation of both the reality principle and the feeling of identity. I shall examine how to facilitate the transformation of the capacity to function of the “puer electronicus”, apparently spared by the necessity of mourning processes, into a true capacity to think with symbolization and hypothetico-deductive competences. I shall have a quick look at the role of basic assumptions of group mentality in the child integration in the society to become and in its apprehension of beauty and violence.
The clinic with children and adolescents in times of uncertainty.
Brief and synthetic approach to the topic I will present: This presentation will focus on the effects of the fall of certainties and the possibility of predicting what is to come, something to which the time of pandemic, violence and war has accustomed us. It will focus on the processes of contemporary subjectivation in the different realities of the world we are living in. We will insist on the importance of an integrated training in order to have better tools to help mitigate suffering. Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable population on the planet.
Primitive feelings and defenses, après coup meaning: How to train adult and child psycho-analysts using the clinic of infants and toddlers.
Infant observation and clinical work with babies show the increase of 'detachment' in dyads. Young parents are more attuned to their screens than to the real presence and have a tendency to ask the young child to be able to stay by itself with self soothing activities without asking for attention and body contact. It is essential to train clinicians to observe infants and dyads and to assess the risk for addictive behavior in children and adolescents as a consequence, in the afterwards, of the lack of capability for fantasizing.
Current Discontents and the distinct possibilities of psychoanalytic practice with babies, children and adolescents - Links with Psychoanalytic Training and other disciplines.
An invitation to think about the current discontent and to reflect on the different psychoanalytic practices and the links with other disciplines that can help to reduce the suffering of babies, children, adolescents and their families. Faced with such an unequal world, devastated by conflicts, wars and pandemics, as well as by their consequences, it is necessary to promote other ways of understanding the phenomena that surround us, broadening the possibilities of insertion of psychoanalysts in the processes of everyday life and in the community sphere.
How can we integrate, incorporate in our training tools that help us in this purpose? In this way, we can study and extend the therapeutic effects of psychoanalysis. This movement of openness to the new, of recognition of the different, of the possibilities of new links strengthens our discipline and speaks of a psychoanalysis that is involved, alive and on the move.